World's Most Secluded Waves To Bodysurf: Hidden Breaks With No Crowds 😀
Are you tired of bumping elbows with watermen as you wait in the lineup?
It's getting harder and harder to find uncrowded waves, with a combination of Surfline Google maps and the myriad other options to find the perfect wave nothing seems sacred. But don’t despair not all is lost, however, it does require a bit of work, a dash wanderlust, an adventurous spirit and the willingness to believe that if you've heard about the break, chances are, so have a lot of others people.
Our word of advice is to strap on a backpack, book a plane ticket and go explore. You might just find your dream! As with most things in life finding something special takes effort and bit of luck, but when it happens it will be the most incredible experience imaginable, something you will take to the grave with you. This was the experience I had hitchhiking through Mexico. After a 2 hour hike along a secluded dirt road with the very real chance of (I realized after the fact) running into bandits as we were in Cartel territory. I and a friend found a desolate beach with a perfect wedge-like shore break, big and very powerful. We had it to ourselves the entire day not a sole to be seen, not a GoPro to be had, nothing but us and the warm Pacific Ocean for 5 hours and perfect aqua blue barrels on tap just the two of us, pure heaven!
I have similar stories of searching for and finding perfect uncrowded waves from a volcanic beach in Morocco to a hidden palm fringed reef break in Northern Sumatra. I spent my entire 20’s in “The search” and it does sadden me to see some of those secluded breaks popping up on the front cover of surfing magazines around the world. However a little secret I’ll let you in on. If you are willing to work for it and take the time to explore there are uncountable secret, uncrowded and magical experiences to be had. They are yours to find.
However, if taking 10 years off work to explore the globe might annoy your wife and probably alienate your kids. Then check out this list of five secluded waves that take some navigation to find and on any given day will probably result in a smile from ear to ear. The only downside being is there will be no one around to witness your epic barrel exit. But then hey, who cares!
Wide Open Waves in secluded places
Carova Beach, Outer Banks (North Carolina, USA)
The beach where these waves are found is devoid of tourists, as well as any paved roads whatsoever. Wildlife here is complete with birds and wild horses that enjoy frolicking on the sands. Fully furnished rental houses are available for anyone planning to shred the waves for more than a day.
Wildcat Beach, Point Reyes National Seashore (California, USA)
This 2 1/2 mile beach, stretching from Alamere Falls in the south to Arch Rock in the north, is one of the most secluded beaches in the Point Reyes National Seashore, and it's quite a trek to get there. The waves are reachable by either a 5-mile hike or a 7-mile bike ride. After you've finished your workout getting there, you can enjoy the waves and take a gander at the awesome beach-side waterfall located there.

Awahua Beach, Molokai (Hawaii, USA)
These waves are among the most unreachable on the island of Molokai, which is a remote island in the chain of Hawaiian Islands. Molokai is far less developed than its fellow Hawaiian Islands, and for good reason.
After leprosy was brought to the islands, those suffering were banished to Kalaupapa on the north side of Molokai in an effort to isolated them, since there is no cure for the disease. The trail to Awahua's waves is accessible only by tour group because you must pass through the leper colony that was in operation until 1969. However, pristine beaches, beautiful waves, and black sand are well worth the hike.

Olympic National Park Beaches (Washington, USA)
This collection of beaches on Washington's Olympic Peninsula makes up a large amount of the rocky Pacific Northwest Coast. While most of these beaches are named with a number, a few special ones, like Ruby Beach. The waves at Ruby Beach help make this beach one of the most scenic in the area. The work required to reach these waves is a little more difficult than most beaches, but ultimately that means fewer tourists for you!
So if you're looking for more waves than people at your next surf spot, try out one of these secluded spots. Once you're there you just have to sit back, relax and get barreled!