Slyde Handboarder Drops in On Sydney Australia's Winter Swell
Big Wednesday went bananas on Bodysurfers in Sydney Australia on May 24th 2016.
An Epic south swell hit the NSW coastline, delivering large and powerful waves, giving experienced surfers, bodysurfers, and handboarders a reason to grin. And the general public a reason to gawk in awe of the dangerous conditions.
Slyde Team Rider Daniel Carr from Berkeley Vale, New South Wales went above and beyond (as documented below) in order to catch the swell of the season.
"You'll all appreciate this but must also I am about to get caught out. Very naughty boy. I went for a last minute session/decision on Wednesday morning as a massive swell forecast to hit the coast, had planned on a session at Cape Solander otherwise known as Cape Fear from the Redbull surfing competition which is a notorious spot.
Left home at 4am for the 2hr drive south to meet a couple of mates, though lie no. 1 was to my wife who thought I was just going to work very early, well I didn't actually tell her just snuck out early. The conditions whilst huge were not the best for bodysurfing, but we wanted to get wet so we headed to Cronulla Point which was a good 6-10ft on the sets.
To ensure my plan/lie went unnoticed I did a no GoPro session, yes very rare for me. Arrived 2hrs late for work to lie no. 2 "yeah, we had sick kids".
Needless to say, there was photos everywhere with the waves that were hitting and I've been caught out.....don't lie Slyders! am waiting for my wonderful wife to now catch my out after people tagged me in the pics."
Daniel better known as @Captain_Kookman secret mission didn't stay under wraps long. When "Coastal Watch" Australia's largest network of Surf Cams, Surf Reports and Surf Forecast, featured him an article "The Bodysurfers Who Took On Sydney's Super Swell"
Carr enlisted the help of his Hawaiian Bula Drip to stick to the face of the step barreling waves.
As timing would have it, world renowned photographer and body boarding movie maker Chris Stroh, and up and coming photographer Dylan Cope just happened to be there to capture the shacking.